Balestri Technologies is a 40 years experience company specialized in Process Engineering and Automations solutions.

Our main industry of interest is Precious Metals recovery and Refining.

We do have strong passion for Technology and Sustainable Development: our projects provide technical solutions, reducing their environmental impact, supporting the customer on it economic growth.

Our work starts from analyzing customers’ needs, leading to the elaboration of tailored made solutions with the best state-of-the-art technology applied to chemical systems.

The team is made up of young and professional people with a long-lasting experience in the field. For that reason, we are able to care of each project, from the design to the installation, commissioning, and maintenance.

We are proud to have installed our machines all over the world both for private customer and Government Mint.

The production consists in:

Paolo Balestri

General Manager - Founder

Giulio Balestri

Technical Area Manager - R&D

Erika Stocchi

Sales Area Manager

Elena Franci

Finance and Administration Area Manager

Tommaso Villoresi

Technical Office

Balestri Technologies S.r.l.

Balestri Technologies is located in the province of Arezzo, in the heart of the Tuscan goldsmith district.

We are based in Via Aldo Moro N. 9 , in Capolona, a few kilometers far from Arezzo.

Call us at: +39 0575 420 100 and +39 0575 420 673,

or send us a fax at: +39 0575 420 100

or send us an email at info@balestritechnologies.com

Balestri Technologies S.r.l.
Via Aldo Moro, 9 - 52010
Capolona (AR) Italy
Tel. +39.0575.420.673
Tel./Fax. +39.0575.420.100
e-mail: info@balestritechnologies.com
PEC: balestritechnologies@pec.it
Partita IVA: 02120540519
Num. REA: AR 163232
Capitale sociale I.V.: € 10.000,00
Socio unico: NO


Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR 2014-2020 - azione 3.1.1 sub a3)
“Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19”
“Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti”

Titolo Progetto “INNOVAZIONE 2020”

Il progetto è riferito ad opere di ristrutturazione straordinaria degli ambienti di lavoro, con particolare riferimento alla realizzazione di nuovi uffici e conference room nell'ottica di contrasto della diffusione  del virus Covid-19 e di ripresa delle attività lavorative in piena sicurezza; in particolare la conference room, adibita alla connessione remota via webcam, ha incentivato l'attività post vendita e di assistenza tecnica in completa sicurezza, consentendo il supporto da remoto durante le fasi di installazione e training dei macchinari acquistati dai nostri clienti sia in Italia che all'estero.